Wynik zapytania API MediaWiki

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See the complete documentation, or the API help for more information.

    "batchcomplete": "",
    "continue": {
        "tgcontinue": "mw-contentmodelchange",
        "continue": "-||"
    "query": {
        "tags": [
                "name": "editcheck-newcontent",
                "description": "Automatyczny pomocnik uwa\u017ca, \u017ce do strony zosta\u0142a dodana nowa tre\u015b\u0107",
                "hitcount": 0,
                "defined": ""
                "name": "editcheck-newreference",
                "description": "Do strony dodano przypis",
                "hitcount": 0,
                "defined": ""
                "name": "editcheck-reference-decline-common-knowledge",
                "displayname": "Edit Check (references) declined (common knowledge)",
                "description": "EditCheck reference was declined as common knowledge",
                "hitcount": 0,
                "defined": ""
                "name": "editcheck-reference-decline-irrelevant",
                "displayname": "Edit Check (references) declined (irrelevant)",
                "description": "EditCheck reference was declined as irrelevant",
                "hitcount": 0,
                "defined": ""
                "name": "editcheck-reference-decline-other",
                "displayname": "Edit Check (references) declined (other)",
                "description": "EditCheck reference was declined for an unlisted reason",
                "hitcount": 0,
                "defined": ""
                "name": "editcheck-reference-decline-uncertain",
                "displayname": "Edit Check (references) declined (uncertain)",
                "description": "EditCheck reference was declined as being uncertain",
                "hitcount": 0,
                "defined": ""
                "name": "editcheck-references",
                "description": "Automatyczny pomocnik stwierdzi\u0142, \u017ce przyda\u0142by si\u0119 przypis",
                "hitcount": 0,
                "defined": ""
                "name": "editcheck-references-activated",
                "displayname": "Edit Check (references) activated",
                "description": "Automatyczny pomocnik stwierdzi\u0142, \u017ce przypis mo\u017ce by\u0107 potrzebny i odpowiedni komunikat zosta\u0142 wy\u015bwietlony",
                "hitcount": 0,
                "defined": ""
                "name": "mw-blank",
                "displayname": "Usuni\u0119cie ca\u0142ej zawarto\u015bci strony",
                "description": "Edycja, kt\u00f3ra blankuje stron\u0119",
                "hitcount": 0,
                "defined": ""
                "name": "mw-changed-redirect-target",
                "displayname": "Zmieniony cel przekierowania",
                "description": "Edycja, kt\u00f3ra zmienia stron\u0119 docelow\u0105 przekierowania",
                "hitcount": 0,
                "defined": ""